ted演讲中英文演讲稿积极向上 幽默有趣

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温柔的双唇 1星

共回答了163个问题采纳率:93.2% 评论

1. 首先,"Ted演讲"是一种以传递正能量和启发思考为目的的演讲形式,因此它更倾向于传达积极向上的信息。
2. 其次,在"Ted演讲中英文演讲稿"中,演讲者通常会运用幽默的手法来吸引观众的注意力,并通过幽默的方式传达信息和观点,使演讲更具趣味性。
3. 此外,"Ted演讲中英文演讲稿"的内容通常涉及各种有趣和引人思考的话题,借助生动的语言和鲜明的比喻,让观众更容易理解和接受演讲的内容。



觜觜刁煙 5星

共回答了51个问题 评论

演讲题目:Where joy hides and how to find it


Who do you want to be? It's a simple question, and whether you know it or not, you're answering it every day through your actions. This one question will define your professional success more than any other, because how you show up and treat people means everything.


Either you lift people up by respecting them, making them feel valued, appreciated and heard, or you hold people down by making them feel small, insulted, disregarded or excluded. And who you choose to be means everything. I study the effects of incivility on people. What is incivility? It's disrespect or rudeness.


It includes a lot of different behaviors, from mocking or belittling someone to teasing people in ways that sting to telling offensive jokes to texting in meetings. And what's uncivil to one person may be absolutely fine to another. Take texting while someone's speaking to you.


Some of us may find it rude, others may think it's absolutely civil. So it really depends. It's all in the eyes of the beholder and whether that person felt disrespected. We may not mean to make someone feel that way, but when we do, it has consequences.


Over 22 years ago, I vividly recall walking into this stuffy hospital room. It was heartbreaking to see my dad, this strong, athletic, energetic guy, lying in the bed with electrodes strapped to his bare chest. What put him there was work-related stress. For over a decade, he suffered an uncivil boss.


And for me, I thought he was just an outlier at that time. But just a couple years later, I witnessed and experienced a lot of incivility in my first job out of college. I spent a year going to work every day and hearing things from coworkers like, "Are you an idiot? That's not how it's done," and, "If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask."


So I did the natural thing. I quit, and I went back to grad school to study the effects of this. There, I met Christine Pearson. And she had a theory that small, uncivil actions can lead to much bigger problems like aggression and violence. We believed that incivility affected performance and the bottom line. So we launched a study, and what we found was eye-opening.





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