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兜兜冇餹 3星

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If you’re a vampire, it’s all about you。 Why is Edward Cullen obsessed to the point of erotomania by Bella Swan? Because she smells so yummy, but he doesn’t want to kill her。

Here’s what he tells her: He must not be around her。 He might sink his fangs in just a little, and not be able to stop。 She finds this overwhelmingly attractive。

She tells him he is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen。 I don’t remember Edward ever saying that to her。 Maybe once。

He keeps on saying they should stay far, far apart, because he craves her so much。

Should a woman fall in love with a man because he desires her so much? Men seem to think so。

It's not about the woman, it's about the man's desire。 We all know there is no such thing as a vampire。 Come on now, what is "Twilight" really about? It's about a teenage boy trying to practice abstinence, and how, in the heat of the moment, it's really, really hard。

And about a girl who wants to go all the way with him, and doesn't care what might happen。 He's so beautiful she would do anything for him。

She is the embodiment of the sentiment, "I'd die for you。" She is, like many adolescents, a thanatophile。

If there were no vampires in "Twilight," it would be a thin-blooded teenage romance, about two good-looking kids who want each other so much because they want each other so much。

Sometimes that's all it's about, isn't it? They're in love with being in love。 In "Twilight," however, they have a seductive disagreement about whether he should kill her。

She's like, I don't especially want to die, but if that's what it takes, count me in。 She is touched by his devotion。 Think what a sacrifice he is making on her behalf。

On Prom Night, on the stage of the not especially private gazebo in the public gardens, he teeters right on the brink of a fang job, and then brings all of her trembling to a dead stand-still。

The movie is lush and beautiful, and the actors are well-chosen。 You may recall Robert Pattinson (Edward) as Cedric Diggory, who on Voldemort's orders was murdered in a graveyard in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire。

" Maybe he was already a vampire。 Pattinson is not unaware of how handsome he is。 When Bella and Edward, still strangers, exchange stern and burning looks in the school cafeteria, he transfixes her with a dark and glowering - nay, penetrating - stare。

I checked Pattinson out on Google Images and found he almost always glowers at the camera 'neath shadowed brow。 Kristen Stewart's Bella, on the other hand, is a fresh-faced innocent who is totally undefended against his voltage。

Bella has left her mom and stepdad in hot Arizona, clutching a potted cactus, to come live in the clammy, rainy Pacific Northwest, home of Seasonal Affective Disorder。

Her dad (Billy Burke) is the chief of police of the very small town of Forks, Washington (pop。 3,120)。 His greatest asset: "He doesn't hover。

" At high school, she quickly notices the preternaturally pale Cullen clan, who in some shots seem to be wearing as much Max Factor Pancake White as Harry Langdon。

Edward is 114 years old。 He must be really tired of taking biology class。 Darwin came in during his watch, and proved vampires can't exist。

There are other strange youths around, including American Indians who appear not too distantly descended from their tribe's ancestors, wolves。

Great tension between the wolves and vampires。 Also some rival vampires around。 How small is this town? The Forks high school is so big, it must serve a consolidated district serving the whole table setting。

The main local Normal Kid is a nice sandy-haired boy who asks Bella to the prom。 He's out of his depth here, unless he can transmogrify into a grizzly。

Also there are four grey-bearded coots at the next table in the local diner, who eavesdrop and exchange significant glances and get big, significant close-ups but are still just sitting significantly nodding, for all I know。

Edward has the ability to move as swiftly as Superman。 Like him he can stop a runaway pickup with one arm。

He rescues Bella twice that I remember, maybe because he truly loves her, maybe because he's saving her for later。 She has questions。

"How did you appear out of nowhere and stop that truck?" Well might she ask。 When he finally explains that he is a vampire, he goes up from 8 to 10 on her Erotometer。

Why do girls always prefer the distant, aloof, handsome, dangerous dudes instead of cheerful chaps like me?

"Twilight" will mesmerize its target audience, 16-year-old girls and their grandmothers。

Their mothers know all too much about boys like this。 I saw it at a sneak preview。 Last time I saw a movie in that same theater, the audience welcomed it as an opportunity to catch up on gossip, texting, and laughing at private jokes。

This time the audience was rapt with attention。 Sometimes a soft chuckle, as when the principal Indian boy has well-developed incisors。

Sometimes a soft sigh。 Afterwards, I eavesdropped on some conversations。 A few were saying, "He's so hot!" More floated in a sweet dreaminess。

Edward seemed to stir their surrender instincts。

The movie, based on the Stephenie Meyer novel, was directed by Catherine Hardwicke。

She uses her great discovery, Nikki Reed, in the role of the beautiful Rosalie Hale。 Reed wrote Hardwick's "Thirteen" (2003) when she was only 14。

That was a movie that knew a lot more about teenage girls。 The girl played by Reed in that movie would make mincemeat of Edward。

But I understand who "Twilight" appeals to, and it sure will。



我很有基情 3星

共回答了389个问题 评论

这部电影,有让我感到很诧异的地方。当我看到爱德华渐渐走近阳光,他不是灰飞烟灭而是散发着钻石般的光芒,那时候的他真的很像天使,我感到诧异;当我看到爱德华把贝拉带到房间,只是让她好好端详自己的房间,让她听听他喜欢的音乐,毫无保留地让她去了解自己,然后像彼得潘一样带她飞出窗外,我感到诧异;当我看到爱德华像罗密欧一样在夜半无人时爬进窗只是吻了贝拉,然后他陪她聊天直到她睡着,我感到诧异。  接着我深思起来,突然懂了,我为什么会看了这部电影之后会为它痴迷。它只是在描述一种已离我们渐行渐远的东西,一种叫做爱情的东西。它就像吸血鬼一样,也许曾经存在过,但现在,它只存活在故事里,现实中遍寻不到。  其实爱德华不是不想,也不是不行,为了不伤害心爱的贝拉,不管是作为男人的欲望还是吸血鬼的本性他都一并克制住了。在这个物欲横流,信仰迷失的时代,就像爱德华读到的人们的心思那样,充满了money、sex、money、sex... ...你可以想像会有像爱德华这样的男子存在吗?这个机率得万份之一再平方多少万次啊!找一个懂得用上半身爱你而不仅是下半身爱你的男人是那么的难。  也许,越得不到,越向往。  很多人在最青涩的年华曾经相信爱情,也曾像贝拉,在饭堂里课桌前操场上偷偷注视着对方,当他的目光迎上来,又立即扭过头去,心里慌得像打鼓;装作视若无睹的走过,眼睛的余光却总是飘移在他常坐的座位、课间活动他常呆的角落、他自行车常摆的位置;也曾像爱德华,故意放慢自己的脚步,等想等的那个人走上来,好不容易搭上话一有同学走过来,话都没说完就立即走开;等到彼此终于有机会说上话,不是吞吞吐吐像个傻瓜就是说了一堆没有中心思想且毫无逻辑性可言的话,或者反复跟对方说我们不该做朋友保持距离比较好,回头又忍不住去找对方… …  是什么让这些最初的美好渐变了颜色?出到社会我们都面目全非,现实逐渐将憧憬掩埋我们嘲笑琼瑶式言情好像我们不曾追看过我们嘲笑对完美爱情的期盼好像我们不曾期盼过我们嘲笑传统专一的感情老土过时好像我们不曾向往过。  也许,嘲笑,是因为得不到。  我们被现实教导相信爱情不如相信人民币,我们最初对爱情和婚姻的设定在现实里渐渐退让和扭曲我们不得不接受审美是会疲劳的、变心是一定的、小三存在即是合理的、要宽容感情的背叛因为现实里没有完美、偶尔放纵一下也无妨因为青春如此短暂等等诸如此类的观点,以致于我们看到完美的一对总暗暗揣测背后一定有不可告人的秘密,然后心里说走着瞧吧看你们撑得了多少年。  我们总是用惯性思维思考着问题,用世俗的眼光去看世界,我问我自己,为什么言情片一定要有床上戏?为什么吸血鬼在阳光下一定得灰飞烟灭而不可以发出钻石般的光芒?为什么爱情不可以是独占而唯一的?谁又不曾期盼过专一而长久的爱情?难道抱着这样想法的女人就是感情观落伍过份天真幼稚注定被嘲笑?是我们的感情观出了问题还是现在社会的价值观出了问题?  据说这部电影的原版小说去年卖得比《哈利波特》还火,这一次,男女主人公像东方人一样含蓄、传统地去爱,一个西方的爱情故事表现得如此纯粹干净,那些被我们嗤之以鼻的琼瑶式言情,在欧美竟能掀起如此狂热的浪潮!他们居然也会向往爱了几百年仍要爱下去,只爱那一个,就爱那一个,死了都要爱,这样一点存在感都没有的爱情!  当我们把对爱情所有最单纯美好的期盼统统抛诸脑后,对西方八十年代盛行的性解放趋之若鹜的时候,西方正把我们八十年代流行的琼瑶式言情奉若神明,他们把这个被我们调侃为“连晋江上三流言情都不如”的爱情故事,咀嚼得津津有味。  现在我因为懂了这部电影而为这部电影更加痴迷,于是决定继续再看一遍!




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