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这里为您推荐一首经典的诗篇《秋天的空气》(Autumn Air)by 约翰·济慈(John Keats):

Autumn is a season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,  

It is the season of the year I love the best,  

And yet it is the season of the year I love the least.

The Harvest is past, the summer is over,  

And all the goldenrod is gone;  

The air is still and crisp with autumn's chill,  

And yet there is a sense of stillness in the air

That I find both soothing and appalling.

The leaves are falling, one by one,  

The winds are blowing, softly and constantly,  

And the sky is a deep, clear blue,

With white, fluffy clouds scattered here and there.

This is the air that I breathe,  

The air that gives me life and sustenance,  

And yet it is also the air that takes away,  

The air that reminds me of my own mortality.

For autumn is a season of endings and beginnings,  

A season of death and rebirth,  

And the air that I breathe is both the breath of life

And the breath of death, a reminder that all things must pass,  

That even the most beautiful and fleeting of moments  

Must come to an end.

And yet, as I stand here in the chill of autumn,  

Breathing in the air that surrounds me,  

I cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonder,  

At the beauty and complexity of the world,

And at the fact that I am a part of it,  

That I am alive, and that I have the chance to love  

And to be loved, to feel the air on my skin,  

And to enjoy the beauty of the world around me.

For autumn is a season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,  

And the air is fresh and sweet with the scent of fallen leaves,  

And I am alive, and I am grateful,  

For the chance to live and to love in this world.




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