
神奇的娃娃 2个月前 已收到1个回答 举报

瑝仩彵嗲 2星

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  1.Cherish life and stay away from dangerous waters.珍爱⽣命,远离危险⽔域。

  2. The drowning accident is disturbing, and swimming is not peaceful.溺⽔事故揪⼈⼼,下⽔游泳不安宁。

  3. Cherish life and never go swimming.珍爱⽣命,坚决不下⽔游泳。

  4. Enhance the awareness of drowning prevention and shine the light of life!增强防溺意识,绽放⽣命光芒!

  5. Joint efforts should be made to prevent drowning accidents.齐抓共管,联防联动,严防溺⽔事故。

  6. Cherish life, beware of drowning, stay away from danger and grow up safely.珍爱⽣命、谨防溺⽔,远离危险、平安成长。

  7. You cant be free in the water like a fish, so please prevent drowning!你不能像鱼⼉那般在⽔中⾃由,所以,请你预防溺⽔!

  8. Life is supreme, student safety first!⽣命⾄⾼⽆上,学⽣安全第⼀!

  9. For your safety, please dont swim with your classmates without authorization.为了你的⽣命安全,请不要擅⾃与同学结伴游泳。

  10. Cherish life, care first, and do a good job in prevent


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