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给沵涐的心 2星

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A: Good morning, Mr. Smith. How are you today?
B: Good morning, Ms. Johnson. I'm doing well, thank you. How about yourself?
A: I'm fine, thank you. So, I wanted to talk to you about the upcoming conference. Have you made any progress in securing a venue?
B: Yes, I have. I've been in touch with a few hotels in the area and I've received their proposals. I will forward them to you for review.
A: That's good to hear. We really need to finalize the venue soon so we can start promoting the event.
B: Absolutely. I also suggest we reach out to potential sponsors and speakers to ensure a successful conference.
A: Yes, that's a good idea. I will work on creating a list of potential sponsors and speakers and we can discuss it in the next meeting.
B: Perfect. Speaking of meetings, have you had a chance to look at the agenda for our team meeting tomorrow?
A: Yes, I have. It looks good to me. I think we should allocate some time to discuss our progress on current projects and address any challenges we are facing.
B: I agree. It's important to keep everyone informed and address any issues before they become bigger problems.
A: Definitely. Also, I wanted to remind you about the client meeting in the afternoon. They are expecting us to present the marketing strategy we discussed last week.
B: Thank you for the reminder. I'll make sure all the necessary documents and presentations are ready before the meeting.
A: Great. Let's also make sure we have someone taking notes during the meeting so we can document any decisions or action points.
B: Absolutely. I will assign someone from our team to do that.
A: Wonderful. I think we have covered everything for now. If there's anything else, please let me know.
B: Will do. Thank you for your time, Ms. Johnson.
A: You're welcome, Mr. Smith. Have a productive day.



无悔医生 2星

共回答了23个问题 评论

Hello, I am Lucy from Canton sports shoes import-export Corporation and I am here to pick you up. 您好,我是广州运动鞋进出口公司的露西,我是来这里接您的。

钟珊珊 : Lucy,Nice to meet you! I am Susan. Thank you for being so kind and picking me up. 露西你好!很高兴见到你!我是苏珊。谢谢你的好意。

邢晨璐 : Don‘ t mention it! This is my pleasure ,And you are warmly welcome to our country. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.This is my colleague Angle




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