
魔怔美人 3个月前 已收到4个回答 举报

家有爱夫 3星

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Chaoshan Marinated Crabs

许多潮汕人喜吃腌制水产品,因为水产品经过腌制后,鲜香甜美,极为可口, 比煎煮焖炒更具美味。腌蟹虽好肠胃不好的人不能多吃哟。


Oyster omelette with tapioca starch




依旧安然 1星

共回答了16个问题 评论

1.潮汕牛肉丸 Chaoshan beef balls 牛肉丸作为汕头市乃至整个广东潮汕地区最知名、最大众化的特色传统小吃,其既可作点心,又可作为一道筵席汤菜。

2.卤鹅 Halogen geese 卤鹅是广东潮汕地区传统的特产名菜,属于潮菜系。潮汕出名特产良种鹅——狮头鹅,以酱油、冰糖、桂皮、砂仁、豆蔻、八角、南姜、加饭酒、蒜头、香菇等卤制而成。故卤狮头鹅在潮汕已有很长的历史。



穷丑治多情 3星

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Chaozhou-Shantou, located in the eastern part of Guangdong province in China, is a region with unique culture and extraordinary cuisine.

Chaozhou is an ancient city with a long history of over 1,200 years, and it is famous for its traditional handicrafts and exquisite architecture. The distinctive Lingnan architecture features elegant and delicate decorations, using bricks and wood as the main materials. The most well-known building in Chaozhou is the Kaiyuan Temple, which dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) and is a testament to the city's rich artistic and cultural heritage.

Shantou, on the other hand, is a coastal city with a bustling port and a thriving economy. The city is famous for its native Teochew cuisine, which is renowned for its delicate flavor and fresh ingredients. Popular dishes include crystal dumplings, braised goose, and Oyster omelet. In addition, the city has a rich seafood culture, and visitors can enjoy a variety of fresh and delicious seafood at the local restaurants.

Overall, Chaozhou-Shantou is a fascinating region with a unique blend of cultural heritage, natural scenery, and delicious cuisine, which make it an ideal destination for travelers who want to experience the best of what southern China has to offer.



圣夜血族 3星

共回答了362个问题 评论

潮汕文化,Chaoshan Culture

1)Chaoshan Culture潮汕文化

1.Shantou Is One Of The Five Special Economy Zones In China, And Belongs To Chaoshan Culture Region.汕头位于潮汕文化区,是我国五大经济特区之一,从1861年开埠至今,汕头文化在这个城市经济的起落过程中不可避免地充当了诱因,同时也随经济环境、社会环境的变化而随之产生变革。

2.Propelled Violently By The Historic Transformation In Chaoshan Society In Modern Times,Chaoshan Culture Underwent The Shift From Ancient Agriculture To Modern Business Culture,And Provided Enormous Support And Theoretical Guidance For The Modern Economic And Social Development In Chaoshan Area,Thus Accelerating The Modernization Process Of Chaoshan Area.潮汕文化在近代潮汕社会发生历史性转变的有力推动下,从古代农业文化向近代商业文化嬗变,为近代潮汕经济社会发展提供了强大的支撑力和理论指引,推进了潮汕社会的近代化进程。

3.The Culture Admiring Han Yu Is A Feature Of Chaoshan Culture.崇韩文化是潮汕文化一大神奇特异的风貌。


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