the world house.读后感

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读完《the world house》这篇文章,我深刻地感受到了人类的共同命运和责任。这篇文章让我想起了一句话:“我们身处同一艘船上,如果船沉了,每一个人都将会面临同样的命运。”





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The World House

There is no denying that we are living in a world full of discrimination. In some nations or regions, the black, the women, the homosexual are still being discriminated or even oppressed. Although we are living in the same world, which is becoming smaller and smaller owning to the development of technology, some people still see them as aliens. Seeing from this, we can know that technology seems to be no compensation to their moral. I guess this is exactly what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was worried about.

Martin Luther King, Jr, the American clergyman, activist and well-known leader in the African-American Civil Rights movement, is best known for his struggle for the liberation of African-American. His out cry of “I have a dream” is haunting in our minds. However, in this speech, not only did he focus on the African-American Civil Right Movement, he also saw it in a broader horizon. He connected it with the struggle for global peace and revealed his vision of the future of the entire humanity.

As is known to all, the world has been greatly changed by the force of technology. The world in which Martin Luther King, Jr lived was not the same as the one his forefathers once had lived in. At that time, the world is connected by plane, incandescent lamp, television, radio, telephone and many other technological breakthroughs. In our era, the world is getting smaller and smaller with the help of information technology. About 50 years ago, Marshall McLuhan put the concept of “global village” in his book, Understanding Media, for the first time. And around 10years ago, Thomas L. Friedman published his book, The World Is Flat: A Brief

History of the Twenty-first Century, in which he thought that the gap between different nations will be bridged in the tide of globalization and informatization. We can never deny his predictions. However, it might be too early to see that.

What is the world like today?

The twin towers were toppled, resulting in the loss of hundreds of innocence. The American troops have just withdrawn from Iraq, leaving a shambles there. The Ukraine crisis appears in newspaper continuously. And we can see demonstrations almost in every corner of the world, people struggling to get freedom, equality, civil rights and many other things because they have been specially ruled out. I cannot conclude whether the gap is becoming bigger or smaller. At least, most of them are still there.

Who is to blame? The technology? The potentates? Or the vested interests? As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr revealed in the passage, it result from the gap between scientific progress and scientific progress.

Technology is the extension of human body. Human can conduct them intentionally. Once this intention is evil, it may bring about a disaster. To have more self-control and higher moral is exactly what technology requires of us. With the help of technology, people are getting richer, but they just want to get more. With the help of technology, people become more powerful, but they also lose their temper easily. With the help of technology, people have access to all kind of information, but they turn out narrower. Thus, they abuse the technology and harm is doomed.

The technology bring us a world house, we must learn to live with the people

around us. Let moral and technology go hand in hand. Finally, the goal of global peace is reached.





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